Proverbs 3:5 and 6
CrossFire Records Banner

Contact Information

If you wish to contact CrossFire Records for future shows and would like more information pertaining to our company and/or Artists, please send your questions with your contact information to CrossFire Records Management mailing address and/or e-mail address.

Join CrossFire Records Upcoming Events mailing list to receive notices of upcoming events and shows. Also be sure to sign up for CrossFire Records Newsletter to learn more about our company and our Artists continual pursuit to spread God's word.

Contact the Manager

Manager Sakia DowdyFor any information you require or wish to receive pertaining to CrossFire Records, please contact:

Manager Sakia Dowdy

Crossfire Records

CrossFire Records Newsletter Sign-up

Sign up for our Newsletter to learn more about our company and its artists. You can unsubscribe at anytime. After you have filled in the form, with the required fields, and you click the subscribe button, you will receive a confirmation notice in your e-mail inbox. Go to your e-mail inbox, open the e-mail and clear any text within the message, reply to the message, without any text, and your subscription for our Newsletter will be complete. Join now.

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CrossFire Records Upcoming Events Mailing List

Join our Performance Mailing list today. Receive locations and venues of our artists upcoming shows. Don't miss a chance to see one of our artists live performance.

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Contract Downloads

You can download and/or print CrossFire Records Booking Agreement and CrossFire Records Performance Contract below. You will need Adobe Reader in order to access the files. You can download the free Adobe Reader application from their web site.

Booking Agreement .pdf

Performance Contract .pdf

To download files:

  1. Open file
  2. Click "Save" and a new window appears
  3. Choose a directory to save the file to. For example, double click on "My Documents" in Windows based systems and the file can be accessed by looking in "My Documents folder"
  4. Click "Save"

Website Issues

If you experience difficulties with this web site as in files that can't be downloaded and/or pictures that are inaccessible and/or simple navigation functions appear broken, please contact the web designer.

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